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Software Kiosk Diland 2

Software Kiosk Diland 2Software Kiosk Diland 2
Use Mouse Wheel to Zoom In/Out
Promo: Scarica la Demo del Programma
Availability: Few pcs

Users feedback


 Software with touch screen interface, also usable with mouse, to prepare the printing orders of digital images.

The printing channels and formats are fully customizable: passport photos, border prints, samples, compositions, gadgets, photo books, archiving. Automatically routes orders to immediate printers, minilabs, other computers, external labs via ftp or removable storage media.
Free insertion of frames and calendars for photocompositions. Choice and sale of professional photographer's shots.
Insertion of messages, videos and advertising images with high visual impact.

Main features:

The initial animation is fully configurable with photos, videos, and advertising messages. Various sources of choice to import your photos. Social networks from which you can download your photos, divided into albums. Support for iPhone and iPad is available via USB cable. Clear and perspective directions for inserting the device.
The choice of photos to print. You can improve your photos, change the quantity, etc

You can edit each photo, choose whether to print it in fit or fill, duplicate it and change its format. The crop can be edited directly on the touch, by moving and resizing the yellow frame directly with your fingers. Simple options for editing effects.


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