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Who Us

DigiGate work in the photographic and graphic market since 2001, boasting experience and expertise acquired over the years due to its origin from the traditional analog market. Over time he has been able to ride the the new wave of digital characterized by versatility and dynamism quickly becoming one of the most important and present in the National Information Technology.the new wave of digital characterized by versatility and dynamism quickly becoming one of the most important and present in the National Information Technology. twenty partner Epson before and Canon then, the DigiGate, with its highly specialized staff, competent and attentive to every need of its customers, trying to take advantage of partners leading to vanguard and careful development of new technologies imaging. Professionalism and knowledge are available to the professional who seeks comprehensive solutions, high-performance, efficient and quality. We offer our customers and those who want to rely on our experience, not only the best products of the top brand in the industry, but also, and especially, counseling and assistance needed to excel in their core business.

Our Product



Professional paper and canvas



Printer high capacity Canon e Epson.



Cartridges , Cans and Inks are compatible with all our printers.



LCD Nec Monitor last generation IPS.

From Monday to Friday
08:45-13:00 / 14:00-18:15

+39 334 1374881

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Le immagini pubblicate sono puramente indicative e possono differire senza alcun preavviso o motivazione da parte del venditore.
All images used are for illustrative purposes only and individual properties of the product purchased may differ from those shown without motivation from the seller